Welcome to Ivy League Strength
Here are the steps for new students: ☠️ PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRELY ☠️
🚨🚨🚨TEXT Ivy at 5025999703 🚨🚨🚨
To prepare:
Please wear: general athletic apparel.
Please wear: Fitness clothing. Men compression shorts with basketball shorts
drink 2-4L of water the day you come.
It is best to not eat much 2 hours before class.
Please bring
a large bath towel/beach towel or a yoga mat towel
a small towel for face
An insulated water bottle
A yoga mat ( and if you feel you need blocks, straps or knee pads)
Yoga mats and towels are available for rent $1 each item
Before class please- Please fill out waiver before you arrive:
The app does not show auto draft options: Must use a web browser to get auto-draft, app does not support. See below
You MUST sign up for classes- no drop ins available.
Please TEXT me if you would like to pay cash for class.
You can cancel auto draft at any time
BuildinG entrance
You will enter from the privacy fence door on Bryan ave, TEXT IVY AS YOU ARE PARKING- PLEASE RING THE DOORBELL MAYBE A COUPLE TIMES AND IVY WILL BUZZ YOU IN. Please only arrive 5-10 mins before class, the gate only unlocks for 5 seconds (it will flash green) so if you miss it, just ring the doorbell again 😻
You will receive the code to the gate once you’ve purchased an ongoing package.

720 Bryan Ave, Lexington KY 40505 (👀 Be sure you are entering this address in as google will take you to the old location! 👀)
Returning Students
Setup Recurring payments
*Must use a web browser to get auto-draft, app does not support*
classes this week
Touching Waver
If you are interested in being manually adjusted during class, you must first sign a consent form only once, plus fill out the waver in the button below
+ AND +
Bring a CLEAN, FULL SIZED towel on the days you desire adjustments. If you forget your towel you may rent one for $1 EACH. Please get one at the start of class, they are the stripped beach towels located under the QR code by the door. Place your folded towel beside your mat as a signal you would like to be touched that day. If you bring multiple towels, that is a sign you really want me to touch you a lot. One towel per adjustment. If I do not see your towel, please wave it at me! I love it when you tell me directly what you want me to help you with. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship 💚💜💚